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How to solve your challenges in these easy ways

Unforgettable Keynote Speeches,  Short powerful TED style talks and Practical Workshops:

Thought leadership. You will be provoked to think and inspired to act.  Book now

Really inspiring. Thanks for pushing me to think out of the box!!!   Google #Think 

SPECIAL:  Five Talks & Workshops for a post-covid 2024  NEWDownload.pdf

2024 #CovidWorld Keynotes Prof EDDIE OBENG*

| #Productivity | @BBC
| #Social-Inclusion – Remote workforce | @WSJ |
| #Leadership |
| #Future | |
| #Green-Digital | Climate change solved | |
* All available Face-to-Face or Virtually on QUBE [QUBE in Just One Minute: ]

SwissInnovation EddieObeng
EDDIE OBENG’s POWERFUL PRESENCE at your conference, board meeting or event:

20 minute talk,

45-60 minute keynote speeches,

Half or full-day workshops

Contact us to tell us your needs in detail.  

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“Amazing energetic presentation”  Procter & Gamble

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Eddie Obeng qubot sitting at desk QUBE (eddie obeng's Copy)

Learn digitally on QUBE Super Reality, interactive Learn+DoWare.

2 hour intimate Masterclass.

PLUS Collaboration/community help with application.

PLUS 1 hour coaching session 4 weeks later

Dates and times see Cart

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“QUBE an innovative virtual world from Pentacle The Virtual Business School”  Financial Times

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An Evening MasterClass at the Virtual Business School 20 London End Beaconsfield HP9 2JH UK (15 minutes from London Heathrow)

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Dates to be confirmed

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“Ten years after first working with Eddie we still use ‘BubbleDiagrams’ and ‘StickySteps’!”   British Energy

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Free thought leadership articles:

Future of work small
In the 1960s the futurists predicted that workers would only be doing ‘a single day’s work’ by the start of the 21st century as the machines got better workers would move to supervising the machines. For 1970’s futurists, the ‘paperless office’ was the for them this paperless world was to be delivered through technology, This would free workers to do ‘other’ things.  What has always been common to these predictions of the future of work is Technology is seen as driving the change. The human beings are passive bystanders

17997214 - collaborating for growth as a business agreement and cooperation concept in financial success between a group of partners working together as a concept of two arrow shaped trees with roots in the form of a hand shake

ZERO:  Delivering Programmes & Projects Perfectly

Business Education:

Need Digital Transformation, Leadership, Innovation, Change delivery, Projects, Organisation design for agility?  Eddie Obeng’s holistic World After Midnight portfolio delivers joined-up outcomes.  More from Pentacle the Virtual Business School   Contact to discuss now

Executive Workshops:

Behaviour Change, Mindset shift, Concrete deliverable.  Eddie Obeng is a master at engaging , aligning and encouraging collaboration and gaining engagement   Contact to discuss now

Corporate Companion:

Build a trusted relationship and have Eddie Obeng future map, guide, challenge and warn your organisation over a number of years   Contact to discuss now

Performance Enhancement Tools (PETs) & Frameworks:

Eddie Obeng has researched, developed and created over 300 popular PETS to cover most business management and leadership situations. You may have come across StickyStepsTM for planning in uncertainty or GapLeapTM for creating a business case in 7 minutes or Hopes&FearsTM for aligning people quickly for effective collaboration

Find out what clients say

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